Category: Assignment 2 – Blog Feedback

Community Contributions #4

Hey Ramneet, I also remember the hustle and bustle of those games! Your use of the image with the simple text and graphics followed the Spatial Contiguity Principle. I appreciated the simplicity of it and how it allowed me to make quick connections about the content. Another example I liked was the use of the court room to connect to your memory of mock trials. This one stood out to me as it was effective however it was not an image that I would not have thought to put in. Thanks for the super post!

Community Contributions #3

Howdy Elias! Your use of the Spatial Contiguity Principle on your infographic to demonstrate your key points was very effective. The way you expanded on the idea of bringing play into the classroom from your blog post 2 was great as you could further continue your exploration of the subject to dive deeper. This makes me believe that the use of multimedia and play is very valuable to you. Thanks for adding lots of multimedia content such as the infographic and video to support your topic.

Community Contributions #5

Hi Ramneet, thanks for your insightful post! I can appreciate how you made connections from the offline environments to feeling more free to speak in lectures. This concept of privacy and security are very important for learning environments and I also did not consider them as a learner until I was introduced to it in the “Sections Model” video. Also your multimedia use of social media content was very refreshing and creative! You did a great job addressing a serious topic of privacy in an interesting way.

Community Contributions #2

Hi Elias! I made connection between your ideas of AR in the classroom to my blog post 2. I liked how you talked about how AR can bring play into the classroom to encourage engagement. I believe you used the principle of Dual-coding very effectively by adding in video content with audio and visual cues. This concept can also apply the field of healthcare education as AR tools can be designed to have participants play. One suggestion I have would be to use heading to segment your content.

Community Contributions #1

Hi Molly, I really appreciated your creativity in this post, especially in the Powerpoint upgrades you made from your psych professor. I completely agree with how you recalled the dull powerpoints from past classes and how you found yourself mindlessly copying down notes. Your summary on how to create a better powerpoint clearly lays out how to make them more effective and more engaging. I wish I could hand out a few copies of this helpful guide to a few certain people I know!

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